The web page is ownership of User Feedback Program sl and obey the requirements derived from the Law 34/2001, of 11th July, Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, from Royal Decree-law 13/2012, of 30th May, as well as the obligation of Information to the user contemplated in Organic law 15/1999, of 13th December, of Personal data protection.
Business name: User Feedback Program sl
Registered office: C. Sant Jaume Apòstol, 8
Location: 25126 Almenar
C.I.F.: B-25.776.600
Phone: +34 616 626 973
In accordance with the current regulations on data protection as well as in the field of information society services and electronic commerce, the user accepts that the personal data provided on the web, or any other information provided to the User Feedback Program sl for access to some of the services are entered into files held by User Feedback Program sl, in order to facilitate the provision of the services requested, for the correct identification of users who request personalized services on the Web, for the management of basic administration tasks, as well as to keep you informed, either by e-mail or by any other medium, news, products and services related to User Feedback Program sl In case of commercial communications through electronic mail or equivalent means, the user gives his express consent for sending advertising through this medium.
User Feedback Program sl promises to fulfil its obligation of secrecy of personal information and its duty to treat them with confidentiality, and assumes, for these purposes, the measures of a technical, organizational and security nature necessary to prevent their alteration, loss, treatment or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13th December, Protection of Personal Data, and other applicable legislation. The user will respond, in any case, for the veracity of the data provided, reserving User Feedback Program sl the right to exclude from the registered services any user who has provided false information, without prejudice to the other actions that proceed in law. Any user can at any time exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, by writing, accrediting your identity, by means of a photocopy of the Identity Card, and specifying the right to exercise.
Users expressly, freely and unequivocally accept their personal information to be processed by to carry out the following purposes:
– Submission of commercial advertising communications by e-mail, fax, SMS, MMS, social communities or any other electronic or physical means, present or future, that enables commercial communications. These commercial communications will be related to products or services offered by, as well as by the collaborators with whom it would have reached an agreement of commercial promotion among its clients. In this case, third parties will never have access to personal data. In any case, commercial communications will be made by the provider and will be products and services related to the provider’s sector.
– To do statistical studies.
– To process orders, requests or any type of request that is made by the user through any of the contact forms available to the user on this website.
User Feedback Program sl expressly informs and guarantees users that it will never sell, rent, share or otherwise distribute or make its data available to third parties and that whenever any type of transfer of personal data is made, it will be previously requested the express, informed, and unequivocal consent of the holders.
All the elements included in this website, as well as its structure, design and source code, are owned by the named author and are protected by the intellectual and industrial property regulations. The photographs hosted in this website correspond in their total property to the authors mentioned next to them. Reproduction, modification, distribution or public communication of the website or any of its elements cannot be performed without the prior consent of this website. Users of the website may only make private and personal use of the contents of this website. It is absolutely prohibited, the use of the website or any of its elements for commercial or illegal purposes. This website does not assume any liability arising from the use by third parties of the content of the website and may exercise all civil or criminal actions that correspond to it in case of infringement of these rights by the user.
To improve the outputs of the website, it reserves the right, at any time and without prior notification to the user, to modify or temporarily suspend the presentation, configuration, technical specifications and services of the website, unilaterally. It also reserves the right to modify at any time these conditions of use as well as any other particular conditions.
This website is not responsible for any typographical, formal or numerical errors that may be contained in the website, nor for the accuracy of the information contained therein, nor does it make any identified or anonymous opinions expressed by persons and / or entities in this website. In case of rental, partial rental and / or total and sale of said website, we exclude all types of responsibility for the content and veracity inserted in it, being the total and absolute responsibility on the part of the buyer / lessee.
For the hyperlinks contained in the website that can be directed to third-party websites, no responsibility is assumed for the content, information or services that may appear on said sites, which will be exclusively informative and in no case imply any relationship between this website and the persons or entities holding such content or owners of the sites where they are located.
Una cookie és un petit fitxer de text que s’emmagatzema en el seu navegador quan visita gairebé qualsevol pàgina web. La seva utilitat és que la web sigui capaç de recordar la seva visita quan torni a navegar per aquesta pàgina. Les cookies solen emmagatzemar informació de caràcter tècnic, preferències personals, personalització de continguts, estadístiques d’ús, enllaços a xarxes socials, accés a comptes d’usuari, etc. L’objectiu de la cookie és adaptar el contingut de la web al seu perfil i necessitats, sense cookies els serveis oferts per qualsevol pàgina es veurien minvats notablement.
Cookies utilitzades en aquest lloc web
Seguint les directrius de l’Agència Espanyola de Protecció de Dades procedim a detallar l’ús de cookies que fa aquesta web amb la finalitat d’informar-li amb la màxima exactitud possible.
Aquest lloc web utilitza les següents cookies pròpies:
Cookies de sessió, per garantir que els usuaris que escriguin comentaris en el blog siguin humans i no aplicacions automatitzades. D’aquesta forma es combat el spam.
Aquest lloc web utilitza les següents cookies de tercers:
Google Analytics: Emmagatzema cookies per poder elaborar estadístiques sobre el tràfic i volum de visites d’aquesta web. En utilitzar aquest lloc web està consentint el tractament d’informació sobre vostè per Google. Per tant, l’exercici de qualsevol dret en aquest sentit haurà de fer-ho comunicant directament amb Google.
Xarxes socials: Cada xarxa social utilitza les seves pròpies cookies perquè vostè pugui punxar en botons del tipus M’agrada o Compartir.
– Twitter
– Linkedin
Desactivació o eliminació de cookies
A qualsevol moment podrà exercir el seu dret de desactivació o eliminació de cookies d’aquest lloc web. Aquestes accions es realitzen de forma diferent en funció del navegador que estigui usant.
Notes addicionals
Ni aquesta web ni els seus representants legals es fan responsables ni del contingut ni de la veracitat de les polítiques de privadesa que puguin tenir els tercers esmentats en aquesta política de cookies.
Els navegadors web són les eines encarregades d’emmagatzemar les cookies i des d’aquest lloc ha d’efectuar el seu dret a eliminació o desactivació de les mateixes. Ni aquesta web ni els seus representants legals poden garantir la correcta o incorrecta manipulació de lescookies per part dels esmentats navegadors.
En alguns casos és necessari instal·lar cookies perquè el navegador no oblidi la seva decisió de no acceptació de les mateixes.
En el cas de les cookies de Google Analytics, aquesta empresa emmagatzema les cookies en servidors situats a Estats Units i es compromet a no compartir-la amb tercers, excepte en els casos en els quals sigui necessari per al funcionament del sistema o quan la llei obligui a aquest efecte. Segons Google no guarda la seva adreça IP. Google Inc. és una companyia adherida a l’Acord de Port Segur que garanteix que totes les dades transferides seran tractats amb un nivell de protecció concorde a la normativa europea. Pot consultar informació detallada referent a això en aquest enllaç. Si desitja informació sobre l’ús que Google dóna a les cookies li adjuntem aquest altre enllaç.
Per a qualsevol dubte o consulta sobre aquesta política de cookies no dubti a comunicar-se amb nosaltres a través de la secció de contacte.