About us
In User Feedback Program we work with institutions, entities, companies and administrations that want to directly access all available European tools in order to materialize their collaborative projects of territorial and/or sectorial innovation.
The programming period 2014-2020 has been a paradigm shift in the orientation of the funds and programs of the European Union that can be summarized in three fundamental derivatives:
Change of orientation in the objectives of the funds, dedicated to the promotion of an intelligent, sustainable and integrating economic growth driven by innovation (in contrast with the objective of previous periods more linked to the provision of infrastructures).
Predominance of projects with collaborative modality and participation of different actors of the quadruple helix (companies, administrations, research centres and citizens).
Clear orientation to results, which involves the need to quantify the contribution of each project to the European objectives achievements.
This new paradigm requires a global vision of the European framework to maximize the opportunities offered by this type of financial instruments, which are translated into a circular management model, in contrast with the traditional linear model. This model is the added value proposed by UFP.